Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wait, You're Actually Gonna Eat That?

The lunch room is a very interesting place, to say the least. Where you sit, who you sit with, what you eat and how you're dressed have a great influence on who you are and what you are like. The first thing you'll see when you walk into the cafeteria will be the proctor or teacher that is supervising the lunch room. Whether it's a man or woman teacher, they will always have some sort of scowl or sad face to go with their already somewhat dreary outfit. The reason for their down-in-the-dumps attitude is simply that they were the one chosen to watch the lunchroom that day. Out of the one hundred or more faculty members, their name was picked out of the hat. After seeing the proctor, you can go and drop off your book bag, which is usually a bad idea. This is because everyone has that one "asshole" friend that thinks it's funny to hide your bag somewhere in the cafeteria. You'll come back and he'll be smirking at you as if you don't know who did it.

"Dude, go get it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Seriously it's not funny. Go get it. I know you took my bag."

He'll proceed to walk to the other corner of the cafeteria and pick up your bag with a smile that would make you think his parents got him a Ferrari for Christmas. After dealing with your friend whose not really your friend, you head up to the assembly line. Before you can even get up there, you can smell the hot, greasy fries in the pan next to the fiery, hot and spicy wings. You step into the kitchen and you meet eyes with the first lady in line serving the food. She's elderly and always very nice. She is wearing one of those nets on her head and has a big, booming smile with a red stain on her blue staff shirt while she says: "What can I get for ya, sweetie?" I always got all I could considering I'm a growing boy and all. As she slaps the wings and fries on my plate, some of the fiery sauce splats on my shirt. Of course, that's just my luck, but it's okay, I'm wearing a red shirt. As i continue down the line, I get to where I can choose my drink. Now I'm not a big soda drinker so I always go for the Brisk Iced Tea. All of the drinks in the big bin are a bit wet so you can see the little water blobs on each bottle. The last part of the assembly line is the desserts. There are always a lot of choices like pudding, eclairs and brownies. The brownies always come out of the oven so hot and have the most fantastic chocolate taste. However, I usually choose the pudding. Now don't question my manhood because of this, the pudding is really good. Soft and creamy, topped with Oreo cookies and occasionally I'll add some sprinkles if I'm feeling adventurous. After paying and getting back to my seat I can dig in and attempt to enjoy this stuff that my high school cafeteria liked to call "food."

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