Thursday, August 25, 2011

College Kid Lifestyle, College Kid Writing

As I begin my first every blog entry, I am coming to think a lot about what kind of writer I really am. I mean for my whole life, or for as long as I could write, I have always been bound by limits. This many pages with this font and this kind of story. Therefore, I am not really sure exactly what kind of writer I am. I believe that one thing I do well would be to put images into people's minds. When I write, I try to depict a story and give enough details and descriptions so that whomever is reading will be able to picture in their head what I am. As a rhetor, I feel that I can get a group of people interested into something that they may not be really into. I try to be persuasive when I speak about certain things, even if it is as common as deciding where to go get lunch. On the other hand, I do feel that I have some weaknesses in my writing. The thing with that is, I'm not really sure what there are. There is always room to improve in anything that a person does; however, I have always simply done what I have been told to do when it comes to writing or presenting. In turn, I guess, one of my main goals of this course is to figure out where specifically I can improve and do what it necessary to strive forward.
I think that this particular course can be a very good help to me as an overall writer. I did do a lot of writing in high school for my school paper, but that in itself was one big structure with all of its guidelines. There are a few things that I do know for sure about my writing. One of them is that I want to my tone and what i write about to reflect who I am. I am an 18 year old kid in college. So, basically, I am going to write like that. I don't want to try to sound smarter than I am and I'm going to talk about the things that I like to do. One of the best examples of writing like this would be from my favorite book, The Catcher in the Rye. Many of the really good quotes can be found right here. The way that Holden talks throughout the entire book and his journey is really the way kids our age would tell a story to each other. His language, choice of words and really overall bluntness appeals to me because, I guess, he speaks the same language as us. And I mean that in the sense of he's the same age and is going through some of the same experiences that we all are right now.
My other inspiration may come as a surprise to some people. I play basketball almost everyday and as all basketball players will tell you, we primarily listen to rap. Eminem is the best rapper ever not only for his songs, but it's really his lyrics that take him over the top. In a single off of his recent album, Relapse, Eminem talks about having inner strength and really digging deep to accomplish your goals. "Not Afraid" has an anthem-like chorus where he talks about taking chances and staying close with the people that we all truly care about. Now you might be asking how this could possibly relate to my writing and my ability to do well in this class, right? What I take away from Eminem to to never give up on your dreams. everyone always hits bumps in the road but you have to keep going. This relates to my writing in the fact that I want it to be inspirational. I want to be able to write a speech and get up in front of people or get in front of a TV and be completely comfortable and confident because I know the prep writing that I did was perfect. You can check out the video here. The beginning of it has Eminem landing of the edge of a building. This is signifying the fact that he is already to take the leap. it really does kind of apply because with all of its being here in the first week of college, we are taking that leap into the next time period of our lives.
All in all, I guess what I really want to improve about my wiring is, all of it. I'm not entirely sure what specifically I need to do, but I definitely plan on finding out. We are going to be doing lots of different kind of writings and stuff of that sort so it shouldn't be that difficult. But really, I'm not in a rush.

1 comment:

  1. Jack! One of my favorite books is also The Catcher in the Rye and for similar reasons -- that the voice of the book is so appropriate for the story. You feel like Holden is talking to you and you alone -- like a best friend. I agree that you don't have to pretend to be something you are not when you write. If it doesn't make sense to you, don't write it! That's the best advice. Thanks.
